Body Alignment Through Chakras with Errin Andrus


Body Alignment Through Chakras is the ultimate Chakra Healing Meditation package. Typically $222 
(50% Off For Limited Time)

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"Working with Errin has changed my life. She has taught me how to heal my body and mind through her work. "

- Megan.

"Errin's outward focused and loving approach leaves no doubt that she is a Divine Practitioner."

- Rebecca.

"I have worked with Errin for the past 3 years, and I have a whole new perspective on not only life but myself. "

- Randi.

What You'll Learn In This Course

Guidance into your Body

  • Connecting to Organs
  • Creating a deep cellular Detox
  • Grounding Blood & Lymphatic system through awareness

Energetic Alignment

  • Aligning the Body through the Chakras
  • Intelligent Engineering
  • Activating your Light Body

Introduction to a New Way of Living

  • Improved Sleep Patterns
  • Decrease in Stress & Anxiety
  • Being consciously connected to your Body
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Whats Included In The Course

In Depth Chakra Guided Meditations

This course includes 7 guided works from Errin Andrus. Infused with DNA healing instructions to truly re-align your Chakras.

Lifetime Access

Access to this course will not be removed or restricted once enrolled.

Money Belief Clearing

In the Throat Chakra Guided Meditation we connect to the beliefs systems and patterns you may have around Money and how they are effecting your throat center. 

Meet Your Instructor

Hi - My name is Errin Andrus. I work with hundreds of people changing their lives through this specific modality and the way that I have found to connect the energetics to the physical body. I believe that it is truly important to consciously activate your bodies connection to your infinite awareness. Bringing changes into your physical reality because of it.  

It is an honor to guide you through your body and chakras as you begin to align your life. 

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Who This Course Is For

  • Every- BODY
  • Anyone looking to connect and ground into their Highest Potential 
  • Conscious Leaders wanting to up-level. 

Who This Course Is NOT For

  • Anyone who doesn't value growth
  • Individuals not looking to track an exponential path towards growth or forgiveness.  

Listen To These Client Stories

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do I Get Access?

How does lifetime access to the course sound?

Should I Invest if I have never Meditated?

This is the perfect investment for anyone who has little to no experience in meditation. This course will lay a foundation that can serve your overall wellbeing.

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